
“Instagram is Dead”

Okay, Instagram is not really dead. With an active monthly user base of over two billion people, it would be hard to declare any social media site of that size as dead. Yet, when talking to photographers in the past year, don’t be surprised if a majority of opinions on the photo-sharing site trend negative.

At the end of June last year, the current head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, posted a two-minute video with the caption, “We’re no longer just a square photo-sharing app” (

In the video, Mosseri emphasizes that Instagram is no longer solely about photo-sharing, as the app is shifting its focus to video.

This shift and the news from Mosseri were not altogether unexpected. All of the major social media platforms have noted a change in audience retention and made similar moves toward being video-centric. YouTube has “Shorts,” Facebook has “Stories,” TikTok is all about video, and Instagram has shifted its focus toward “Reels.”

So, what does this mean for advertisers and local businesses? It means that your content has to adapt to the times and also focus on video.

But before panic sets in and large camera equipment purchases are made, we at CastNet have some tips and tricks to ease the transition and show how much easier video content can be to create.

  1. Video content does not have to be long and extensively planned out.

As a population, our attention span has dropped to around eight seconds at a time. This means that video content needs to capture the audience within that span of time. So, don’t worry about a drawn-out introduction and delivery; shooting from the hip works just as well.

     2. Video content can be recycled.

Unlike a photo that becomes repetitive when plastered in too many locations, video content can be recycled. Many companies will record a piece of “long-form” content or content that is over 10 minutes in length and cut it into smaller segments that can be cycled to audiences.

    3. Just like photos, video content can be shot on your phone.

While there is certainly no argument that content shot on a professional set with high-end equipment will look better than content shot with a phone, this doesn’t mean that your content won’t reach your audience. There are several editing apps that can be used right from the phone, and every social media platform allows for mobile uploads. Don’t know which app to choose? See the link below for a good list of apps and their benefits (

    4. Don’t be serious… all the time.

Your company may be the most professional and clean-cut in all of Tampa Bay, but that doesn’t mean that your video content needs to completely mirror such sentiments. Let’s use the TikTok account for the language learning app, Duolingo, as a case study. Since September 2021, their account has seen a follower growth from 50,000 to over two million today (

   5. Photography still has its place in the world of social media.

No one is saying that photos are dead and gone. Photos in advertising and marketing are still extremely useful and a much better alternative to text alone when selling anything in today’s economy. However, the timing and context for the best use of a photo have changed.

If you feel like your team could benefit from professional help and resources, feel free to reach out to us at CastNet for a consultation by calling (727) 892-2391 or emailing us at [email protected].